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Claim to Fame,
community of the arts
The philosophy for my studio is simple,
“Every student that comes through our door will be given the highest level of attention and teaching – with no separation between recreational and competitive dancers.”
Growing up dancing at several big name studios, I was able to experience first hand, the division between recreational and competitive dancers. These two levels of students are rarely prioritized equally nor taught with the same attention to detail that can turn potential into confidence and success. This style of dance studio creates a barrier, a division between students, that instead of encouraging adolescents to achieve, leaves them feeling a lack of self accomplishment.
Disagreeing with this approach to teaching, it is my life’s passion to change the world of dance. I will do so by creating a studio where each student has equal opportunities to advance and achieve their highest level of technical training alongside their peers. My students will truly know what it is to encourage one another and embrace individuality among a common passion.
As there are incredible benefits to having your student compete and many valuable lessons to be learned, this is a serious commitment. If a family is not ready to make that commitment (financially, time-wise, or for a any other reason), then their dancer should not be penalized. They will be able to receive the highest level of dance training without being referred to as “just a recreational student”.
When I decided to open “Claim to Fame”, I knew, wholeheartedly, that this studio would be a place to call home, a place to share a bond and become a family. In committing to this philosophy, I have seen an incredible growth in passion, talent, interest, as well as appreciation from both students and their parents.
In summary, a student’s growth in dance is the recipe of outstanding teaching, excellent listening, dedication to the craft itself, and an undying passion. Our studio will provide every student the tools they need to achieve their dreams and become the absolute best version of themselves. That’s what matters most to me, that is what every child deserves. – Shannon (Tarantino) Keeler
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